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Service sectors

Our creativity at the service of a wide range of sectors

  • Pharmaceutical Industry


    NFOE is a major player in the design, renovation and expansion of cutting-edge pharmaceutical facilities. Whether it’s to increase your production capacity or modernize your facilities, our team will help you from the start of your reflection.

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  • Healthcare Sector


    By putting patients and staff at the heart of its architectural vision in the health sector, NFOE has chosen deeply human support to benefit the community’s well-being.

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  • Research sector


    NFOE carefully carries out numerous projects to design, expand, redevelop and renovate scientific facilities. Our 3 million square feet of cutting-edge buildings are proof of that.

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  • Government


    Through its many partnerships with the federal government over the last 20 years, NFOE has developed a unique expertise helping the public sector with its multiple architectural projects.

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  • Primary and Secondary Education


    NFOE has a proud 70-year history dedicated in part to primary and secondary education projects. There’s been a little bit of NFOE in Québec’s schools for a long time!

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  • College and University Education


    Just like NFOE, Canadian and Québec higher education make science, innovation and excellence thrive. This is why it’s a natural partnership that brings us together with cégeps, colleges and universities.

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  • Office Buildings


    Office building design goes back to NFOE’s beginnings. More than 110 years later, we will continue in this same vein by thinking first and foremost about user comfort.

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  • Industrial Buildings


    As the responsible party for the architectural design of millions of square feet of facilities for both light and heavy industry, NFOE ensures that the proposed architectural design meets the requirements and processes of the companies that trust in us. 

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  • Cultural sector


    Sports and culture projects, which put user experience at the heart of their design, are a unique opportunity for NFOE to serve the community sustainably and positively.

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